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Have you been sexually harassed?
Speak with a lawyer today. Call the lawyers you can trust to fight for the justice and compensation that you deserve. Our laweyers will fight for the largest verdict or settlement possible.
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The Time to Act is Now

Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

Toughest Pasadena Sexual Harassment Lawyers

"Sexual Harassment Lawyers Representing Victims In Pasadena, California"

Our harassment lawyers recognize the need for making certain that the harasser does not continue to harass others. California state law ensures that victims of sexual harassment are protected, and our employment law firm advocates for people who are subjected to a sexually hostile working environment.

For those who are victims of sexual harassment in the workplace, our law firm offers free consultation.

If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment in Pasadena, California, contact our law firm at (888) 299-1998 for a free consultation with a sexual harassment lawyer.

You don’t have to put up with sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a violation of both state and federal law, and Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena can assist you if you’ve been a victim.

If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment, Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena will carefully evaluate your options and help you understand what financial compensation may be available to you after obtaining justice.

Sexual Harassment Evidence

How To Document Sexual Harassment

How To Prove Sexual Harassment


If you’re having problems with sexual harassment in Pasadena, California, we can assist you in documenting your position and presenting your case. For a free case evaluation of your sexual harassment scenario, do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll accomplish an in-depth case evaluation that may help us determine the best possible course of action for your lawsuit and assist you obtain compensation for your damages.

Does The Law Protect Sexual Harassment Victim?

When it comes to the law, it has a strong position against sexual harassment. You should never be afraid to report if you are being subjected to such sexual harassment anywhere. Many people are anxious about what would happen to them if they disclose their situation to their elders or their bosses. However, you should keep in mind that the law will always defend you against any future victimization at the hands of your employer or offender. You can use the law to your advantage, and you may obtain help from a sexual harassment lawyer if you have made a complaint in order to protect yourself against any future harm. Even the business can be held responsible for victimizing you, and they are not permitted to remove you from your position or take any other punitive steps.

As a resident in Pasadena, California who has been sexually harassed, you require an attorney who knows the city’s sexual harassment law landscape. You need a sexual harassment lawyer that can assist you in fighting back against the offenses you have suffered. You are entitled to an attorney who will advocate for your rights and assist you in getting back to working and enjoying your life.

Contact Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena for a free consultation. (888) 299-1998

Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena

"We help you fight for Justice "

Working with Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena may assist you to discover the proper legislation to support your sexual harassment legal claim. Furthermore, your sympathetic sexual harassment lawyer will be able to assist you in drafting your charge by pointing out the events that led up to your case.

Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena can assist you in meeting all court and legal deadlines. We can ensure your claim is submitted to the proper agency. We can also assist you in getting the compensation you deserve.

If you’d like to talk with us and ask questions specific to your case, call us at (888) 299-1998 for a free case evaluation.

What Are The Types Of Sexual Harassment In The Pasadena Workplace?

Two types of claims can result from workplace sexual harassment: (1) a quid pro quo claim for sexual harassment and (2) a hostile work environment.


Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment claim for sexual harassment occurs when you are subjected to such repulsive conduct that you are unable to carry out your normal job duties.

When you must constantly battle off sexual advances, remarks, and contact in the workplace, it is considered a hostile environment. Your harasser will continue to make advances whether or not you ask them to stop. It becomes more serious and widespread.

In some circumstances, you may not be the direct target of abuse. However, you find it obnoxious and distracting. It makes working in a team impossible.


Quid Pro Quo

A quid pro quo (“this for that,” or “this in return for that”) claim happens when employees obtain financial incentives or favorable treatment at the office in exchange for sexual favors.

For example, your employer in Pasadena asks you to perform sexual activities. In return for your agreement to fulfill these requirements, he promises a large pay increase.

Quid Pro Quo As Retaliation For Refusal Of Sexual Advances

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when you are punished at work for refusing to grant your employer, superior’s, or supervisor’s sexual requests. For instance, suppose your employer asks you out on a date and you refuse and then your boss threatens that he will remove any weekend hours from your schedule if you don’t go out with him. You once again refuse. For the following week, he takes away your Saturday and Sunday hours.

Who Can Be The Victim Of Workplace Sexual Harassment In Pasadena, CA?

Sexual harassment happens in the work environment, affecting both employees and job applicants. Both men and women are victims of sexual misconduct at work. One out of every five reported workplace sexual harassment allegations comes from a male complainant. Between two men, two women, males and females, or many different people of either gender, sexual harassment in the workplace is possible. Sexual harassment at work affects everyone who works there and those seeking employment. If you believe you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment, seek legal counsel from a knowledgeable sexual harassment lawyer. Consult Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena to assist with the specifics of your case and prepare a claim that properly reflects your experience and its impact on you.

We help you fight for Justice

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is a California law that protects employees from sexual harassment. The FEHA prohibits sexual harassment in businesses in Pasadena and throughout the state of California. Employers with five or more workers must comply with the legislation’s requirements, or risk being sued. Before bringing their claim in state court, workers must file claims with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena can assist you in determining which law best fits your scenario. They can help you file a claim with the proper agency in order to advance your case.

If you’d like to talk with us and ask questions specific to your case, call us at (888) 299-1998 for a free case evaluation.

The Cost Of Hiring Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Pasadena

A lawyer at Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena will work on a contingency basis so that we may pursue your case as vigorously as possible while limiting additional financial strain. This model allows us to begin working on your potential case without you having to pay any up-front costs or expenses later. Only if we are able to obtain a settlement or a court-awarded recovery on your behalf do we charge our legal service fees.

Even if we do not obtain compensation for your injury, you will still owe us nothing. You should not have to endure any additional pain as a result of sexual harassment. As a result, you may relax knowing that someone is watching out for you without putting yourself in financial jeopardy.

Is Sexual Harassment In Pasadena, California A Crime?

If sexual harassment damages your body or well-being, you might have a civil claim for criminal sexual conduct. Rape and other forms of sexual assault are examples of criminal sexual conduct. It can also happen in the context of stalking, internet stalking, and revenge porn. If you are subjected to any of these types of sexual harassment, you can report the incident to law enforcement and pursue charges against your assailant. You become a witness in a criminal sexual harassment case if you press charges against your attacker. The objective of your criminal charge is to aid in the punishment of your assailant and the prevention of future assaults.

Civil Claim Against Your Employer For Criminal Sexual Conduct In The Pasadena Workplace

The civil lawsuit enables you to seek financial compensation from your employer. As a plaintiff, you become an active participant in the case. To file a civil lawsuit against your employer, you do not need to win your criminal case. Even if you don’t want to pursue criminal charges against your attacker, you may still file a civil lawsuit against your employer.

 If you are a victim of criminal sexual conduct at work, please contact Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena. With the aid of our skilled sexual harassment attorneys, you may start a civil lawsuit against your employer to receive compensation for damages and punitive damages.

We Represent Clients In All Sorts Of Sexual Harassment Claims

To be considered sexual harassment, the DOJ states that “the offensive conduct must not be motivated by sexual desire.” It can, however, be based on the employee’s sex, gender identity, or sexuality orientation — or on the harasser’s perception of these factors. Pregnancy, childbirth, or other medical issues related to pregnancy might also be motivators for sexual harassment.

Your legal representative should be familiar with California’s definition of sexual harassment and the available legal options. Don’t underestimate the significance of working with a competent and experienced attorney in this area. Attorney selection might make or break your case.

If you’ve decided to go ahead with your sexual harassment lawsuit, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to discuss your legal concerns and assisting you in finding the best solution.

Call (888) 299-1998 right now to schedule a consultation for free.

You may put your faith in the legal professionals at Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena, who will fight for you with our highly experienced attorneys at your side. You can send a powerful message to the world: sexual harassment will not be accepted. Your bravery could play an important role in changing the modern workplace environment. If your efforts lead to the creation of a stronger harassment policy or simply more public awareness, they’ll be worth it. Call today for your fee consultation.

Contact Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena at (888) 299-1998 if you have been subjected to sexual harassment. Our sexual harassment lawyers handle all types of sexual harassment cases on a contingency basis. That means we do not get paid unless and until we obtain a settlement or verdict on your behalf.

Steps To Take After Suffering Sexual Harassment

Don’t allow fear take the wheel and drive you away if you believe you’ve been subjected to sexual harassment or that you may be eligible for compensation. This is the moment to act.

Begin by taking notes about the event. Keep track of the surrounding circumstances. Who was involved? Where did it take place? Were any witnesses present? This information may be crucial if you want to pursue a lawsuit utilizing California’s sexual harassment lawyers.

Next, reach out to a lawyer you can trust. Your lawyer may assist you in determining if you’ve been subjected to sexual harassment and what you can do about it as you decide next steps.

How Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena Can Help

If you believe that you have been the victim of sexual harassment anywhere in California, do not hesitate to get help. It might be tough to make that initial step, but once you do, how good it feels to be free. A strong legal resource may provide this boost to your confidence. What is required to get started? In Pasadena, a consultation with a sexual harassment lawyer.

At Sexual Harassment Lawyers of Pasadena, we are dedicated to getting justice. By acting as devoted advocates for our clients, many of whom have had terrible experiences at the hands of their coworkers and bosses, we are able to achieve this goal. We’re disappointed by the number of sexual assaults in Pasadena, but we think change is possible. We strive to provide these much-needed improvements by giving power back to the victims of sexual misconduct.

Were you or someone you know a victim of sexual harassment?

We will fight so you can settle for more!

Request A Free Consultation

The Time to Act is Now

Act now for a free consultation from our top-rated legal team to discuss any rights or compensation that you may be entitled.

We will fight to get the maximum compensation owed to you for your injuries and losses.

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